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30 Actual Questions Regulatory AI Can Answer for You
Jeffrey PressSep 21, 2023 8:17:00 AM3 min read

30 Actual Questions Regulatory AI Can Answer for You

The team here at HData has been buzzing with the news of our recent launch. ICYMI, you can now add your own private documents to your HData Library to query with Regulatory AI. Our clients have been asking for a “Private Catalog” since we launched Regulatory AI in May, and we’re already uncovering some really interesting use cases. 

The capabilities of our Regulatory AI tool are expanding fast. It’s clear that artificial intelligence is going to revolutionize the regulatory energy industry, and that HData is leading the way. So many of the folks I talk to are thinking about what it will mean to use AI in their day-to-day work. Just like our customers, we’re excited to see the potential unfold.

First, let’s quickly review how HData’s Regulatory AI works: 

Like most conversant AI tools, Regulatory AI works in a prompt-and-response conversational way. Users log in, ask questions, and get useful, cited answers in just seconds. In order to deliver accurate, relevant answers, Regulatory AI first asks you to specify which documents to include in your query. This step lets you choose documents (just one or multiple) from HData’s Library and/or your own Private Catalog. This step is called “grounding.” It means the AI won’t step out to the internet in search of answers; it stays within the confines of the documents you dictate. In addition to ensuring you avoid “AI hallucinations” in your answers, grounding also means Regulatory AI’s answers come complete with clickable attributions that take you to the document where specific answers were found. 

With that context, let’s take a look at how it gets used. Here are 30 actual questions HData users are asking Regulatory AI:

Getting Help with Document Review

  1. Do these documents mention rate cases?
  2. Are there legal matters mentioned in these documents?
  3. What companies do these documents mention?
  4. Do these documents mention [company name]?
  5. Do these documents mention nuclear waste?
  6. Do these documents mention renewable energy?
  7. Does this article mention solar energy consumption?
  8. What do these documents say about the nuclear plant construction?
  9. Does this report reference stranded assets?
  10. Can you find the consulting fees?

Saving Time with Summaries

  1. Summarize the topics mentioned in this document.
  2. Summarize the report.
  3. Summarize this form.
  4. Summarize this document in a bulleted list.
  5. Summarize the rate case mentioned in this document.
  6. Summarize the legal matters mentioned in this document.
  7. Give me more details on the case filed with the Superior Court of [county name].
  8. Summarize peak demand for [plant name].
  9. Summarize [company name]’s capital structure.
  10. Summarize the financial performance of [company name] in a table.

Getting Answers to Important Questions

  1. What are the major changes between this year and last year for this filing?
  2. How many residential customers does [company name] serve?
  3. What is the average price for electricity for [company name]?
  4. Is there/what is the trend in operating revenues at [company name] over the last 3 years?
  5. What is the latest status of the legal case against [company name]?
  6. How much gas is typically shipped on the [pipeline name]?
  7. Tell me about the financial position of [company name]
  8. Can you list [company name]’s  assets and their value?
  9. What are the key financial and operational data points collected in the forms that help regulators assess the financial health and performance of the company?
  10. How do the income statements in these documents compare?

The landscape for regulatory data and artificial intelligence is shifting swiftly. We’re here to help you stay on top of the latest developments. Curious to see first-hand what HData products can do? Request a copy of our ebook to learn more.