
Regulatory Data Innovators: Pioneering New Approaches to Energy Regulation

Written by HData Team | Apr 4, 2023 8:13:40 PM

The energy industry is constantly evolving, and as the world transitions towards more sustainable and renewable energy sources, there is a growing need for professionals who understand the complexities of energy regulatory data. Enter Regulatory Data Innovators, a new community group powered by HData.

The purpose of Regulatory Data Innovators is simple: to provide an open forum for energy regulatory data professionals to discuss emerging issues, foster an environment to build relationships, and provide helpful resources and connections. This community group meets regularly via video conference to exchange information and intelligence.

The best part? There is no charge to become a member or attend meetings. Sign up for a free HData Platform account and gain access to the community.

Who would benefit from joining Regulatory Data Innovators? Anyone who produces, uses, supports, or wrangles regulatory energy insights, including but not limited to offices across regulatory affairs, strategy/technology/innovation, finance/accounting, CIO/CTO, and energy consultants.

The community group's key goals include providing a forum for industry knowledge sharing, quality programming, and networking within the energy industry. Members can look forward to monthly webinars with industry topics and subject matter experts.



Additionally, there is a LinkedIn group where members can directly connect with industry professionals and share insights.

As we look toward the future of the energy industry, it's clear that retaining and developing talent is crucial. Based on industry insights, energy companies can focus on equipping their current and emerging leaders with the tools they need to attract and retain top talent in sustainability and renewable energy. Individuals who participate can develop new skills to meet the demands of the changing industry while building a strong company culture that emphasizes a data-first approach. 

Joining Regulatory Data Innovators is a step towards staying ahead of the curve in the ever-changing energy industry. Whether you're an energy regulatory data professional looking to expand your network or a company looking to develop your talent strategy, this community group offers valuable resources and connections.

Take advantage of the opportunity to join this innovative community. Register for a free HData Platform account and gain access today.

We are excited for you to join the fastest-growing network of energy regulatory data professionals.